Demonetisation: RBI restricts withdrawal from Jan Dhan accounts up to Rs 10,000 per month
New Delhi: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday capped the withdrawal limit on Jan Dhan account. Fully KYC complaint account holders may be allowed to withdraw Rs 10,000 in a month.
However, further withdrawals may be allowed within current applicable limits after ascertaining the genuineness of such withdrawals, the RBI said
Non KYC compliant account holders may b allowed to withdraw Rs 5,000 a month from amount deposited through SBNs within overall ceiling of Rs 10,000, RBI added.
Ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes will no longer remain legal tender, there have been a lot of suspicious activity on tens of thousands of Jan Dhan accounts in the country.
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Source:Zee news